Samuel Gawith - Snuff
The Samuel Gawith Snuff today
If Samuel Gawith the First could return to his 200 year old factory he would see few changes. True he might be befuddled by the Fax machine and the photocopier, but the building, the machinery and the process all belong to his era.
The Company later acquired the business of Messrs. William Nevison of Penrith, together with the old water-mill in which their snuff was made. At the present time some thirty different snuffs are produced at the Eamont Bridge mill which lies in the heart of the Cumberland countryside, and derives its power from the Eamont as that river passes on its way from Ullswater into the Eden.
In this new mill some 65 different brands of snuff will be produced, and the whole work, from preparing the leaf tobacco to scenting the finished snuff, will be carried on under one roof.